오늘은 VMware Associate Solution Engineer 1차 서류 통과 후, 2차 전화 인터뷰 후기에 대해서 작성해보고자 합니다. 이번 공고에 지원하기 전에 여러 후기들을 많이 찾아보았는데, 국내에서는 1-2개 정도였는데 국내 후기 보다는 Glass door에 있는 후기들이 가장 큰 도움이 되었습니다. 다른 분들께도 저의 후기가 도움이 되었으면 합니다.
지원 공고: https://careers.vmware.com/main/jobs/R1909520?lang=en-us
치맥을 하고 들어가던 길에 1차 서류 합격 메일을 받았다. Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VMware 서류 합격이라니.. 서류 합격만으로도 일단은 감사했다. 메일의 일부만 캡쳐했지만 아래 내용에는 전화 인터뷰 일정을 5개 정도 날짜를 정해서 후보로 적어달라는 내용이 있었다.
그리고 빠르게 5개의 날짜를 정해서 초 스피드로 답장을 했다. 전화 인터뷰 전에 Glass door를 통해 질문들을 확인하고, 예상 질문별로 답변을 엑셀 시트로 간단하게 정리하였다.그리고 전화 인터뷰 날짜를 정해서 인터뷰를 진행하였고, 전화 인터뷰 당시 질문들은 간단했다.
질문 리스트 | 답변 리스트 |
Tell me about a time when you went above and beyond the realm of your responsibilities. | When I took the Best Of the Best nth program, I had a project for n months, which was the hardest. There is not enough data on the subject of Dark Web, and there are not many companies studying it. So it was a very difficult project for students to do. But, I tried to hard working & keep in touch with my teammates to overcome it. I was able to achieve a lot of things. And if I don't try to hard to overcome it, I had not good result. Even in difficult situations, I could overcome the communication with the team members, and continued to solve the problem and respond strategically. |
Complete this sentence with one word. As a consultant, my job is to ______ |
Friend I think consultant is Friend. Because, When we consult the client's Architecture and Infra structure, We need to know more about client's environment for better architecture. So Consultant needs to make the good environment for better communication. and consultant should be close to client. |
Tell me about yourself. | I have been working as a A role for more than n months. and while working cybersecurity company which was called A company, I was primarily responsible for Dark Web research, Cloud engineering and Cloud consulting. I have been studying the Cloud services since university. and next When I working in A company, I developed the anti-fraud solution based on cloud service. Therefore, more than anyone else I know about the cloud engineering and has the ability of professionals. And I have also experienced in cyber security and IT. My various experiences will be very helpful in conducting consultants. |
Did you use any VMware's product? | To be honest, I was surprised that vmware had more solutions and services than I thought. According to Wikipedia and the corporate page, there are a total of 36 solutions and services. And, after seeing vmware2019, I started to be interested in vShpere. So I used vShpere hands on lab for about 2 hours and I liked the manual in detail. And I usually need google ring when using other solutions or tools and have to look back on how to use, hands on lab didn't need to find a way to use it, so for 2 hours I was able to focus on the experience. |
Tell me your understanding of the job nature of an Associate Consultant |
I think an associate consultant needs to put a lot of effort into trying to get as much experience as possible. And I believe that the basic quality of a consultant should provide the best solution for the customer, and the consultant should have a lot of experience and knowledge. |
이 외에도 다양한 질문들이 있었는데, 대부분 이전 회사 혹은 이력에 대한 질문들이였다. 인터뷰 질문들은 일반적으로 많이 물어보는 자기소개, 본인이 생각하고 있는 회사, 자사 제품을 써본 적이 있는 지에 대한 질문들이였다.
전화 인터뷰 중에 이제 마지막에는 이 회사 이외에 다른 회사는 어떤 곳을 지원했는 지 물어보았다. 그리고 최종 면접 일정을 알려주었고, 다음 면접은 기술 면접이라고 알려주었다. ( 여기서 전화 인터뷰는 일단 통과했다! 라고 생각했다. ) 그리고, 전화 인터뷰 결과는 8-9일 정도 지나서 발표되었고, 8-9일 사이에 다른 회사로부터 합격 통지가 먼저 와서 일단 입사한 상태에서 3차 면접 통지를 받았다.
면접 준비 당시 참고한 자료들
Cloud computing trends in 2019 | https://hub.packtpub.com/cloud-computing-trends-in-2019/ |
The 5 Trends Every Cloud Evangelist Has on Their Mind | https://blogs.vmware.com/cloudprovider/2017/05/the-5-trends-every-cloud-evangelist-has-on-their-mind.html |
The Most Popular Cloud Computing Trends Beyond 2019 | https://www.strategix.co.za/the-most-popular-cloud-computing-trends-beyond-2019/ |
vForum 2016 | http://gsem.co.kr/2016/VMware/vFORUM/download.html |
vForum 2017 | http://www.vmwarekorea.co.kr/vFORUM2017/download.html |
vForum 2018 | http://www.vmwarekorea.co.kr/vFORUM2018/download.html |
vSphere 개념 및 기능 | http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=printf7&logNo=221086723999&parentCategoryNo=&categoryNo=19&viewDate=&isShowPopularPosts=true&from=search |